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The Unpublished and Obscure Writings of Silvan Tomkins, Vol 1, edited by Lauren Abramson, Ph.D., is can now be purchased by non-members of the Tomkins Institute.  


Published by Tomkins Institute,  this compilation from papers was sourced from Tomkins' home following his death.  This volume contains many pieces (e.g lectures) which have never been published, articles which are published but more difficult to find, some handwritten notes and outlines, and some personal letters.   In some cases Tomkins' personal copy of papers which he edited by hand have been kept as is, so people can get a glimpse of his thought process as he engaged with his writing.

The book is 345 pages, spiral bound, and chock full of easily digestible Tomkins gems.


To access the member-only price of $80, become a paid member of the institute for $60, log into the site, and access the member-only offer on this page:  You will be asked to sign up as a paid member of the institute or log in with your membership account. (Make sure to select LOG IN not sign in, if you already have an account.)

Compilation of Unpublished and Obscure Writings of Silvan Tomkins


    The Tomkins Institute is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 educational organization dedicated to providing resources to those interested in learning about and applying Tomkins theory of affects.

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