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Research Grant
Each year the Tomkins Institute accepts applications for up $3000 in grant money to support research that involves Tomkins' theories.
“The affect system is therefore the primary motivational system because without its amplification, nothing else matters—and with its amplification, anything can else can matter.”
- Sat, Nov 16WebinarNov 16, 2024, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM ESTWebinarWe are born with the ability to cry. Yet, few contexts will allow such full expression of distress-anguish. Its expression must be “backed up.” We must learn to “cry” without being seen or heard. What are the consequences or outgrowths of such suppression?
- Mon, Nov 25Zoom link and readings will be sentNov 25, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PMZoom link and readings will be sentWe meet once a month to discuss a Tomkins-related reading. We hope you will join us to share insights and ask questions in a casual conversation among Tomkins-informed people.
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